
Le sort d’une trentaine de femmes enlevées dans le Nord-Ouest inquiète les ONG

RFI | La société civile s’inquiète du sort d’une trentaine de femmes enlevées samedi dans le village de Kedjom Keku, dans la région du Nord-Ouest. Mardi, la préfecture du département de la Mézam a publié un communiqué pour confirmer leur rapt. Ces femmes ont été enlevées au lendemain d’une marche …

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Users report hassles with Cameroon biometric visa portal

Biometric Update | Some applicants logging onto the dedicated portal for Cameroon’s biometric visas have been reporting glitches with the system which went live at the start of this month. The much-heralded platform was launched on May 1, but some users say they have faced difficulties using the system seamlessly. …

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VATICAN – Among the new Venerables also the first Cameroonian “fidei donum”

Agenzia Fides | Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) – On Saturday, May 20, the Holy Father authorized the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints to publish some Decrees, including those concerning the recognition of the heroic virtues of the Cameroon diocesan priest Father Simon Mpeke, born around 1906 in Batombé and …

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