Statement on Behalf of Mr. Samuel Eto’o Fils, President of FECAFOOT, Regarding Recent CAF Allegations

On Wednesday, August 9, 2023, a disconcerting press release emerged from the official website of the Confederation of African Football (CAF). The announcement stated that CAF had received multiple written requests from various stakeholders within Cameroonian football, calling for an investigation into certain behaviors of Mr. Samuel Eto’o Fils, the sitting President of the Cameroonian Football Federation (FECAFOOT).

The said press release intimated that these investigations are currently ongoing, with the promise of public statements to follow upon completion. What’s particularly startling about this release is the reference to “SERIOUS ALLEGATIONS AT FIRST SIGHT.” As of now, Mr. Eto’o Fils remains uninformed about the specifics of the claims reportedly raised against him, making CAF’s preliminary announcement both unexpected and concerning.

In light of these unfolding events, and while preserving the right to undertake suitable legal measures against this potentially damaging communication, Mr. Eto’o Fils wishes to make a public appeal. He urges the key players and followers of Cameroonian football to maintain a composed stance throughout these turbulent times. It’s his fervent aspiration to continue the steadfast implementation of the reform program that began on December 11, 2021. These reforms, as we’ve seen, have started to yield positive results, best exemplified by the recent victory of the U20 national team at the Francophonie Games.

Lastly, Mr. Eto’o Fils emphasizes the importance of resilience. It’s a time when Cameroonian football is seeing the fruit of its labor. He invites the expansive community of Cameroonian football enthusiasts and professionals to stand tall in the face of these ongoing and unwarranted challenges. Challenges that appear to be orchestrated by adversaries of the sport, who, it seems, are determined to utilize football as a pawn for their own gains.

In these trying times, the spirit of unity, perseverance, and the shared love for the game will be our guiding light.

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