UAE slams visa ban on all citizens of Cameroon, Nigeria, 17 other African countries

Africanews | The United Arab Emirates has reportedly banned nationals of some 20 African countries from entering its capital city, Dubai.

“This is to inform you that we will not be posting 30 days visa applications for these nationalities effective today October 18, 2022,” the notice read in part.

countries affected by the visa ban include Uganda, Ghana, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Cameroon, Nigeria, Liberia, Burundi, Republic of Guinea, Gambia, Togo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Senegal, Benin, Ivory Coast, Congo, Rwanda, Burkina Faso, Guinea Bissau, Comoros, and the Dominican Republic.

In a notice issued to trade partners including travel agents, authorities indicated that all applications should be rejected.

“Any applications from the above-mentioned countries will be sent back or canceled.” According to reports.

this is not the first time some African countries have been banned from entering Dubai.

In December 2021, Emirates Airlines announced that eight African countries will not be accepted to travel through Dubai until further notice due to the spread of Covid 19.

It is however not clear the reason behind the latest ban.

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  1. no decision taken in the UAE has an impact on the future of the world. in one thousand years the UAE will not be even a middle power.

  2. fix your own country and stop running away…
    A country like cameroon is stagnant the last 40 years because of people like BAH acho and his gang of thieves..People who spend their time stealing and hiding in the white mans world..
    People who believe that they are second class to anything white..
    People who have no sense of purpose and direction..
    Covid and CAN gate in cameroon today is just an example of how irresponsible those rulling the country are…

    BAH ACHO will prefer to wear french suit..Drink french wine and speak paris french..
    He will do everything to defend the old man in Etoudi for his personal and private interest..
    BAH ACHO will support the spread of bread of sardine to buy votes and will pray Biya remains in power for ever and ever..

    • BIKO,,,,, if you believe that the current system and those in charge can fix something. You are simply being irrational. A government where the minister of agriculture promotes coffee growing against soy beans corn and wheat. Amount of money generated by one hectare of wheat a year 8000 dollars, amount generated per hectare by coffee and cocoa 1200 dollars. hoping on such minds is a tragic mistake.

    then wake up from sleep and change the mind set of your brothers in government.
    We cannot build a country with Thieves..
    we cannot build a country when a certain tribe feel they are born to lead the country..
    we cannot build a country when ministers are stealing the countrys wealth and hiding in Europe..
    we cannot build a nation when douala -yaounde highway is built for 9 years and till date not completed..
    No farm to market roads..
    No development plan..
    All we do is put on suits, come on TV and talk of degrees in france..
    People with such a mind set are not needed in modern africa…Talk big french and cant deliver anything good to the country..

    • BIKO,,,,,,if you really think that this particular generation of politicians can effect the calm cold blooded instrospection necesarry to make a you turn.then you do not understand the profound coma in which they are.infact to some of them nothing is wrong.let me give you a small example.when you arrive douala and younde,you see garbage on the streets in most parts of both you know that it is immense wealth if a mini waste to energy plant of one hundred thousand dollars was build?one ton of compressed garbage burned produce 600 kilowatts of energy.if people can not do something like it designing and implementing a 20 years economic transformation plan guided by economic rationality that they can?they can not but we can.