
Cameroon News updated seven days a week…

Cameroon’s coffee supply chain to be digitised and made EUDR compliant

Tea & Coffee Trade Journal | Dimitra, a blockchain-based operating system for agricultural technology, and Arasco Food BV, an international food trading corporation, has announced a joint pilot project that will digitise, modernise and make compliant coffee supply chains in Cameroon. Led by Dimitra Europe GmbH, a subsidiary of Dimitra Incorporated, this …

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Embezzlement Scandal at SOPECAM: 300 Million FCFA Missing

SOPECAM is in turmoil following a significant financial scandal. According to Cameroon Magazine, Marthe Ngo Bassomo, coordinator of the commercial and marketing department, is accused of embezzling over 300 million FCFA [$490,831.65 (USD)] to invest in LIYEPLIMAL, a platform created by fugitive Émile Parfait Simb. This incident exposes severe internal …

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Ministering to teenage mothers in the southwest region of Cameroon

Educating teenage girls in school has been a challenging experience due to the changes in our socio-cultural backgrounds. In Cameroon, it is even more challenging to educate teenage mothers or pregnant girls. I have worked with teenagers for more than 25 years, and the experience is increasingly getting tougher. Girls …

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Heirs of Fotso Victor Rally Against Ex-Wife of Geremi Njitap in Douala

In Douala, the widows and children of the late Fotso Victor, a renowned Cameroonian businessman who passed away in 2020, have taken to the streets in protest. Their grievances are directed towards the former wife of Geremi Njitap, a former international Cameroonian football player. The protestors accuse her of unlawfully …

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Vincent Aboubakar amasses a huge fortune

Afrique Sports | He is one of the big stars of Cameroonian football. Vincent Aboubakar, as he is referred to, is currently enjoying an admirable career at the highest level. A trajectory he has also managed to materialize by amassing a considerable fortune. Thanks to his contracts with various clubs …

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