
Après l’Algérie, le Cameroun interdit à son tour « Barbie » au cinéma

Jeune Afrique | La direction de la cinématographie et des productions audiovisuelles (DCPA) du ministère de la Culture du Cameroun a interdit « oralement » la diffusion du film à succès « Barbie ». Alors que le célèbre film Barbie connaît un succès retentissant de par le monde, notamment en …

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Uprooted and forgotten, Cameroon’s climate refugees living in despair

RFI | Aminatou Ibrahim scoops water from the floor of her seven square metre hut at the Dana camp site for internally displaced people in Maroua, in Cameroon’s Far North Region. It’s become a familiar routine for her. “Each time it rains our houses are flooded,” she says. Like more …

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Second Catholic Archbishop of Bertoua Archdiocese in Cameroon Dies at 88

ACI Africa | Archbishop Roger Pirenne, the second Catholic Archbishop of Bertoua Archdiocese in Cameroon, has passed on in Yaounde after an illness. He was aged 88. Archbishop Pirenne died in the early hours of Sunday, August 6 at the Caisse clinic, in Yaoundé, the Cameroonian capital, the Local Ordinary …

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Cameroonian sculptor transforming wastes into arts | + video

africanews | In Yaoundé, Cameroon, a painter and sculptor Joseph Francis Sumegne presents his exhibition “La citadelle des anciens” (“The citadel of the elders”). Half-man, half-animal sculpture made from objects of all kinds. The result is an impressive display of creations from another world. “The artist uses what I’d call …

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Cough syrup killing a dozen in Cameroon likely made in India

Samaa English | Deaths of over 300 infants on three continents were linked to drugs last year Over the past few months, more than a dozen children in Cameroon have tragically passed away, with authorities linking it to a cough syrup potentially manufactured in India. Photos of the medication box …

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